Bronica SQai, Zenzanon 80mm f2.8, Ilford HP5 400, Ilosol 3
Forest Hill streets, London
Concordia wharf bridge, London
BT Tower, London
Cupcakes - Minolta X700
Couple in the park
Centon DF-300 / Minolta X300
One of my first film cameras – the Centon DF-300 a rebranded Minolta X300 sold by Jessops. Bought it on ebay for £5 bundled with a Centon 50mm f1.8 lens. Not much to say about it, it does what a film SLR camera is supposed to do – take photos. All manual. It’s a nice simple camera, definitely worth the £5 I’ve spent on it.
As a rebranded Minolta camera it uses the MD mount and takes all manual Minolta lenses. You can still find some nice and cheap options on eBay. Like the Minolta 135mm f/3.5
For most of the time when going from home to work or not specifically going out to take pictures, I’ll have this camera in my bag. Mounted with a Minolta 135mm. It works great because the camera is light, easy to use and relatively quiet. It takes 2 button batteries that seem to last forever, that’s something you won’t find in digital cameras. Always ready to take a shot, anywhere.
It may not be the best camera ever, but for that price and the amount of cheap lenses available, it’s pretty good.
Photography taken with the Centon DF-300
The following photos are taken with the Centon DF-300, some dodgy 35mm colour film called ‘Tudor’ and developed in some even more dodgy local photo place.
Centon DF-300, Vivitar 35-105mm, Tudor film.
Centon DF-300, Vivitar 35-105mm, Tudor film.
Centon DF-300, Vivitar 35-105mm, Tudor film.
Centon DF-300, Vivitar 35-105mm, Tudor film.
Centon DF-300, Tokina 28-70mm, Tudor film.
Centon DF-300, Tokina 28-70mm, Tudor film.